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VAT in the Digital Age – Implications of digitalisation for the VAT system in the EU

On 8.12.2022, as part of its VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) initiative, the EU Commission published a much-noted draft directive. The focus here was on […]


Per country limitation when claiming foreign tax credit

Under German tax law, the crediting of foreign taxes against German corporation tax constitutes one of the standard methods for avoiding double […]


New standards for cash register systems – What operators of cash register systems will have to consider in the future

Since 1.1.2020, businesses have had to comply with the new legal provisions of the Cash Register Anti-Tampering Ordinance (Kassensicherungsverordnung, […]


Equal pay for equal work

In a pivotal ruling, the Federal Labour Court decided that a woman may claim the same remuneration as her male colleague for the same or equivalent […]


Act to Transpose the EU Directive on Cross-Border Conversions – An overview

The Directive (EU) 2019/2121 (Directive on Cross-Border Conversions) had to be transposed into national law by 31.1.2023. It will introduce, for the […]


Employer’s obligation to assume the costs for spectacles worn while working in front of screens

In a recent case, the ECJ had to rule on whether or not an employee would have to accept their employer’s refusal to reimburse the costs for […]


New build rental apartments – Special depreciation allowance of 5% per year will be re-introduced

To encourage the new construction of rental apartments, in 2019 already, German lawmakers introduced a special depreciation allowance of up to 5% per […]


New model form for supplies of goods for export in cases of handling and processing

The Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium der Finanzen, BMF) has published a new model form for a certificate for VAT purposes in cases of […]


Treating fees as pass-through expenses

An expense will be deemed to be a pass-through expense if the business that collects and disburses such amounts merely acts as an intermediary in the […]


Modernisation of external tax audits – Few advantages and extensively expanded obligations

In recent years, various measures have been taken in respect of external tax audits or tax audits (TA), which constitute important parts of tax […]

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