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Compensation for flight delays between third countries

If a flight is delayed then an airline from the EU has to pay compensation to its passengers if the delay exceeds a certain amount of time. The ECJ […]


Add-backs for rental charges for trade fair stand space for trade tax purposes

Recently, the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) decided that rental charges for trade fair stand space that a company rents for exhibition […]


Obligation to provide proof of the value of the stake in a company that has been gifted

Recently, the Munich tax court had to rule on the obligation to provide proof of the calculation of the value of the stake in a company that have been […]


The Berlin-style will (Berliner Testament) – Dispositions by childless married couples

In a Berlin-style will (Berliner Testament) spouses mutually appoint each other as heirs and determine that the mutual estate will devolve upon a […]


Cryptocurrencies – Classification for tax purposes and taxation

In recent years, cryptocurrencies have acquired ever greater significance. There are nevertheless taxation issues that also need to be considered in […]


Intragroup international assignment of employees – Who has to withhold the payroll taxes?

In the case of an intragroup international assignment of an employee it is possible that the domestic (German) hosting company would become the […]


Inheritance/gift tax – Equitable measures in the case of falling short of the minimum aggregate wage level due to the pandemic

The inheritance/gift tax relief for business assets or shares in corporations depends on, among other things, the aggregate wages of the business […]


Reporting in accordance with the German Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance – A frequently unknown and underestimated pitfall that could result in fines

In Germany, everyone can make payments to foreigners or receive payments from abroad without any restrictions or official authorisation. Nevertheless, […]


An end to the free return of products in the food supply chain

The Agricultural Organisations and Supply Chains Act (Agrarorganisationen-und-Lieferketten-Gesetz, AgrarOLkG), which was enacted by German lawmakers, […]


Community of heirs – Which paths offer a way out?

According to German law, a community of heirs is automatically formed after someone dies and if there are several heirs who have been determined by […]

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